Logos Book Reviews

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Name: Janice LaQuiere
Location: Southeastern, Michigan,

February 23, 2007

In Every Flower, A Novel

In Every Flower, A Novel
Author: Hill, Patti
Publisher: Bethany House, 316 pages

Widowed with a son, Mibby McManus thought she was ready to move forward with her life, until she returns from her honeymoon with her new husband, Larry. Her efforts to make her second marriage succeed are threatened by her rebellious teenage son and an interfering mother-in-law. Despite Larry's continual acts of kindness, the memories of Mibby's first husband shadow her. God requires her to surrender her problems to His care, but is she willing to trust Him with everything?

Sown amongst the beauty of Colorado gardens, Patti Hill weaves a story of love and second-chances as she addresses conflicts familiar to many women. While the search for peace often leads to the necessity of surrendering to God "our Isaac," what becomes obvious is that few of us have Abraham's faith.

Genre: Christian Fiction, Contemporary, Women's
Audience: Adult women
Language: mild (one euphemism, one obscene word)
Morality: Upstanding
Romance: A growing romance between a married couple.
Sex: non-graphic, between a married couple.
Substance use: Rebellious teen gets drunk
Violence: Someone gets slapped

Discussion topics: none


A Sounding Brass, A Novel

A Sounding Brass, A Novel
Author: Bates, Shelley
Publisher: Warner Faith, 287 pages

Brought up in a closed group of Christians, Claire Montoya's life takes a turn after their leader is arrested for rape. When Outsider, Luke Fisher, begins filling the airwaves of KGHM with contemporary Christian music change is in the air. But change is unsettling to the Brethren and to Claire. As Luke is welcomed into the community, law enforcement investigator Ray Harper begins to question the disc jockey's true motives, and Claire is forced to reexamine everything she has believed about her faith.

Anytime I pick up a book that discusses religious sects, I'm hesitant. However, Shelley Bates has done a masterful job creating genuine characters whose true motives are to follow Christ, regardless what style of worship they've ascribed to. My only problem is a budding romance between a Christian and an almost-but-not-quite-yet, Believer.

Genre: Christian Fiction, Contemporary,
Audience: Adult
Language: none
Morality: Good: kissing, handholding
Adult Issues: Secondary characters are victims of an earlier rape, and the suspect is on trial.
Romance: Growing attraction between two who don't have much in common
Sex: none
Substance use: None
Violence: None

Discussion topics: yes


February 18, 2007

A Day with a Perfect Stranger

A Day with a Perfect Stranger
Author: Gregory, David
Publisher: WaterBrook, 101 pages

What would happen if you began to vent about your problems to a perfect Stranger, only to discover that He knows all about you? In this novel, David Gregory addresses this "What if?" question.

Mattie Cominsky is increasing concerned about her husband's belief that he met Jesus at an Italian restaurant. If that weren't bad enough, Nick's passion for this Jesus begins to separate them, and Mattie entertains the idea of a divorce. A timely out of town meeting, gives Mattie the opportunity to think through her problems. The day doesn't look good when she's seated in her airplane seat, squished between two strangers. But when one begins to share her scorn of religion she opens her mind and wonders how her heart can be so touched.

I found this little book intriguing. It made me consider, both how God might perceive our religion as well as how others might perceive us. It also was a good reminder that a personal relationship with God our Father is as tangible as touching the stranger next to you.

Genre: Christian Fiction, Contemporary
Audience: Adult
Language: None
Morality: Upstanding
Romance: None
Sex: None
Substance use: None
Violence: None

Discussion topics: None


Remember To Forget, a clayburn novel

Remember To Forget, a clayburn novel
Author: Raney, Deborah
Publisher: Howard Books,368 pages

A New York car-jacking unexpectedly thrusts graphic designer Maggie Anderson To freedom, but her efforts to avoid her past creates an unsettling life of deception. She's convinced that she must put away her old life, but she can't forget the memories.

Despite busying himself in the small town of Clayburn, Kansas, painful memories continue to haunt Trevor Ashlock. The Lord's grace has allowed him to forgive, but it's impossible to forget the tragic day that changed his life. He struggles through each day trying not to dwell on the past, until a stranger is dropped into his life.

Award winning author Deborah Raney author of A Vow to Cherish has again touched heartstrings with Remember To Forget. She encourages the reader to let go of the past and take hold of the present. "One thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:13-14).
I haven't enjoyed a novel this much in a long time.

Genre: Christian Fiction, Historical
Audience: Young adult - Adult
Language: None
Morality: Clean (girlfriend leaves live-in boyfriend)
Romance: An enduring romance illustrated by the changing of hearts.
Sex: None
Substance use: None
Violence: Car-jacking, implied stalking, fight between two adults.

Discussion topics: Yes


Waiting for Summer’s Return: A Novel

Waiting for Summer’s Return: A Novel
Author: Sawyer, Kim Vogel
Publisher: Bethany House, 348 pages

Summer Steadman feels abandoned by God when despite her prayer typhoid fever takes her family. Alone, in the strange Mennonite community of Gaeddert, Kansas she wishes to die when the widower Peter Ollenburger seeks her out as tutor for his young son Tom. Even with the presence of Grossmutter and Tom as chaperones, the community is aroused when Peter accepts Summer into his home. Their fear of this stranger turns into animosity, and Summer must face not only her own loss but the community’s censure. As she erects walls to protect her heart, the only thing she hasn’t counted on is Peter’s unending kindness.

Kim Vogel Sawyer leads us on a beautiful journey from mourning to joy. Seen primarily through the mature eyes of Peter, he patiently illustrates a love that will never fail and tries to guide not just Summer, but also his son and the other members of the community into a compassionate understanding of each other.

Genre: Christian Fiction, Historical
Audience: Young adult - Adult
Language: None
Morality: Upstanding
Romance: An enduring romance illustrated by the changing of hearts.
Sex: None
Substance use: None
Violence: None

Discussion topics:


Violette Between: A Novel

Violette Between: A Novel
Author: Alison Strobel
Publisher: WaterBrook Press, 266 pages

Violette, a passionate artist, believes she has overcome the pain of her tragic past. When Christian, a marriage and family psychologist, begins to pursue Violette he discovers that he competes with her late husband, Saul, for her affection, creating a unique lover's triangle. A freak accident shoves Violette into a world of memories that entice her to live within their grasp. She must chose between the happiness of yesterday or an uncertain future.

Alison Strobel does a brilliant job weaving three love stories into one and making both past and present relationships come alive. Her simple yet vivid portrayal of events paints a moving picture for the reader.

At times, the apparent theology of the characters is inconsistent with their actions, causing the reader to wonder at what point did they become true Christians. There is also prominent inclusion of a homosexual character, not unusual in the art world, but other than adding color to the story his alternative lifestyle didn't seem to advance the plot. While Violette was comfortable with it in her storybook world the casual acceptance of his lifestyle made my spiritual conscience tingle.

Genre: Christian Fiction - Women's
Audience: Adults
Language: Occasional euphemisms
Morality: The alternative lifestyle of a homosexual friend is casually accepted
Romance: An occasional kiss
Sex: Implied between husband and wife
Substance use: occasional social drinking
Violence: None
List of Discussion Topics: None


Having a Mary Spirit: Allowing God to Change us from the Inside Out

Having a Mary Spirit
Allowing God to change us from The Inside Out

Weaver, Joanna
Waterbrook Press, 272 pages

In her new book, Having a Mary Spirit, Joanna Weaver, introduces us to the super-antagonist known as Flesh Women, our evil alter ego. As our sinful nature struggles to control us, she leads us on a journey to discover our own Mary spirit. The journey isn't easy. On the way we learn to identify where in our life Flesh Women exists, and to turn her over to Christ for banishment to the lower realms.

We all have our core issues; struggles of discouragement, self-worth, pride, fear, bitterness, gossip, envy, lies, ingratitude, etc. These must be identified and destroyed before we can be the woman God created us to be. Yet it isn't our own doing that brings about change. As Joanna points out, being with Jesus Christ isn't enough, we need His Spirit in us. Step-by-step, Joanna strives to bring the reader closer to His Spirit.

I found Having a Mary Spirit to be a wonderful encouragement for my own Christian life. With chapters such as "A Mary Heart," "Twisted Sisters," "Mind Control," "The Flesh Women Diet," and "Spirit Led," Joanna instills in the reader a desire to seek a change in her own life. Through humorous anecdotes, Joanna shares with the reader from her own experience and warns her of the pitfalls she might uncover in her own journey to create a Mary-like spirit.

Included in this book are many beneficial sidebars that offer practical advice for our journey.


Hannah Rose

Hannah Rose: Book Two of Ahab's Legacy
Author: Gouge, Louise M.
Publisher: River Oak, 319 pages

After wintering with relatives in Indiana, Hannah Ahab returns to Boston with her young son Timothy. There she tries to recreate a new life for herself, away from the shadows of Ahab's legend. She resolves to travel through Europe, but a budding romance with the handsome Captain Longwood grounds her to Bostonian shores, and she find herself at odds with her old friend David Lazarus. Hannah's inner conflict grows when Captain Lazarus presses her to take a stand against slavery. Resolved to maintain her distance from God, she's confronted with the misery of humanity not only in the eyes of the free Negros but also through the torn families of Ahab's sailors.

A well-crafted novel that's rich in detail and characterization, the reader gets a glance at pre-civil war Boston, told through the uncertain eyes of Hannah Rose. Hannah's inner journey takes her from fleeing her troubles to the point of facing them. However, this novel still left me wondering about Hannah's relationship with God, and how her varying experiences changed how she viewed Him. I wish the author would have taken Hannah's spiritual journey deeper and ended with a stronger conclusion.

Genre: Christian Fiction, Historical
Audience: Adults
Language: None
Morality: A sub-plot deals with the rescue of a "woman of the street"
Romance: Light romance illustrated by hand-holdings and kisses to the hand and cheek.
Sex: None
Substance use: None
Violence: Fist fighting, a cat is discovered abused and must be killed

Discussion topics: Spiritual discussion topics are included at the end of the book which address some of the character's flaws and decisions.


Emily Ever After

Emily Ever After
Author: Anne Dayton, May Vanderbilt
Publisher: Broadway (June 7, 1005), 320 pages

From the hick town of Jenks, CA, Emily Henton fulfills her dream and arrives in NYC aiming to change the world. Her editorial job at Morrow and Sons is the perfect backdrop for her new image, and she attracts the attention of the sophisticated Bennett Edward Wyeth the III. Back in California, Emily's girlfriend Jenna questions some of Emily’s decision, while Jacob, Emily’s boyfriend in first grade officially breaks up with her leaving her to pursue the man of her dreams. Emily just isn’t sure who the man of her dreams is. When her visions for the future begin to unravel Emily must decide what “ever after” really looks like.

This endearing title offers Emily’s first-person observations in a witty and often sarcastic manner as she struggles to fit in where she doesn’t really belong. However, Emily also portrays an attitude toward everyone who has not reached her level of sophistication. At times, Emily’s Christianity seems little more than a belief in God with accompanying guilt. Throughout the story the reader witnesses the gradual decay of Emily’s principles, and it’s helpful to see how little concessions lead a person away from their beliefs. Afraid to be different, Emily begins to drink, and accept the advances of her boyfriend until she finds herself cuddling beneath the covers. It is disappointing that Emily never comes to the point of acknowledging her failures.

Genre: Inspirational Fiction, Chick-lit
Audience: Women between the ages of 18-30
Language: euphemisims
Morality: suggested improprieties
Sex: None Substance use: Alcohol
Violence: N/A

Discussion topics: Spiritual discussion topics are included at the end of the book which address some of the character's flaws and decisions.


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Logos Book Reviews is a Christian book review site geared toward the reader. Logos Book Reviews is designed to connect the reader with a book she'll enjoy. Patterned after movie review sites, Logos Book Reviews includes comments about a story's morality, language, romance, sex, substance abuse, and concerns that Christian readers might have regarding the story's content. This allows the reader to spend her purchasing dollar more freely, and better gauge the appropriatness of a book for her children.

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