Logos Book Reviews

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Name: Janice LaQuiere
Location: Southeastern, Michigan

January 22, 2008

The Other Daughter

The Other Daughter
Ferrell, Miralee
Kregel Publications, 315 pgs.

The evening of her birthday, Susanne Carson experiences every wife's worst fear when the teen child of her husband's secret one-night stand arrives on her doorstep. Their marriage already fractured by her husband's profession of Christianity, this latest revelation seems destined to destroy what hope she has in her husband and in his faith.

David's past returns to haunt him, and his own failures drive Susanne further from the Truth he wants her to accept as her own. Caught in the middle are their two children and the abandoned daughter David doesn't want to acknowledge. He knows his sin led to this current problem, but what would Jesus have him do now?

In her debut novel, Ferrell writes a poignant story of the restoring of hearts and God's grace in reestablishing wounded relationships.

Genre: Christian Fiction, Women's Fiction
Audience: Women 18-55
Orthodoxy: Unwillingness to forgive harms not only the victim, but the innocent bystanders as well.
Adult Themes: Infidelty
Language: None
Morality: Good
Sex: None
Substance use: None
Violence: No

Discussion topics: none